Sunday, April 29, 2007

Day 8 Part III: Night in Luxor

After the camel ride, I met up with my trusty sidekick for dinner at Ali-baba restaurant. On the way, locals tried to get us on taxis or their store. Funniest is when this one guy found out we're looking for Ali-baba restaurant and told us that we're there, pointing to a restaurant clearly marked 'SIN BAID'... we're like 'we see the sign you know' and he kept saying 'tis the same, tis the same'. Even funnier was when the other people loitering on the street (there're tons in Egypt no matter where you go) joined in and also said that place was 'Ali-baba'. After looking at one another, we decided to just walk away; then one of the locals finally just told us that Ali-baba's around the corner.

The restaurant was patio style on the second floor and so had a very nice view. On the right side, there was a garden of some sort, and on the left was Luxor temple. Talk about prime location!

New Food:
Tagin Style Shamsauka w/ Meat = Egg, vegetable, broiled meat served in a black clay pot (30 EGP)
Basbossa = Crunchy version of the barbossa (8 EGP)
Stella = 500 ml local beer (7 EGP)

The Shamsauka w/ meat was delicious! On the way to the hotel from dinner, I found the exclamation mark and the no trumpet road signs. Still not sure what the '!' sign means but the 'no trumpet' sign I think means no honking. Egypt driving uses tons of honking to pass cars, to get customers for taxi, to warn people, etc etc. So I guess I was close to a hospital...

1 comment:

Maddi.L said...

Ha ha. I love the trumpet photo. Please post more!! This is awesome!!